Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Which Breakfast Show is the worst?

It is a daily struggle to find the best and not the worst Breakfast Show every morning. We used to have JD and Dilly dishing out not so great fare but at least they have a chemistry between them. But then they suddenly dissapear into a deep abyss and then just as suddenly reappear again on a different station! (I still pass a billboard in Penang every day featuring them with their old station!)

But JD has nowfallen into the sickening "Call and shame" strategy and so now I have to choose between them, another station featuring a PSYCHOLOGIST (!! - can you beat that!!) and another station featuring 2 guys trying to outdo each other to see who can embarass himself more! (I guess you guys can guess which 3 stations I am talking about - the rest are just not worth mentioning).

Style Council - You Re The Best Thing by Paul Weller Can't we have NORMAL people in our radio stations? Guys/gals who don't talk much but are smooth and play good music? Dream on.... I guess....

I guess STYLE is something they lack very much and here is someone who has loads of it. Here is Paul Weller from The Style Council with "You're The Best Thing".

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