Thanks to the internet we do not have to depend on our local Malaysian radio stations and our local CD stores for our entertainment anymore. Check out what you have been missing and some great CDs you might want to collect.
- JR
I remembered when Jamiroquai came to Malaysia a few years ago I was wondering why there was litlle and almost no publicity for him? Mind you, he was appearing for the F1 concert finale and yet there was hardly an ad announcing his performance. I would have attended his concert if his act was announced earlier but for some reasons known only to SIC they preferred to keep his act quiet until 2 weeks before he was to slated to perform.
Anyway Jamiroquai is a class act and he should have been given a better treatment by the organizers whom maybe have not heard of him? In any other country he would have been mobbed by his fans but Malaysians I guess will settle for Bieber fever. Here is Jay Kay from his album Dynamite with the classic lounge number "Seven Days in Sunny June".
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