Thanks to the internet we do not have to depend on our local Malaysian radio stations and our local CD stores for our entertainment anymore. Check out what you have been missing and some great CDs you might want to collect.
- JR
So many artists nowadays are producing songs that are so forgettable and shallow you wouldn't remember their names in 12 months time. What wouldn't we give to have back the good old times where superstars hugged the top 10 spot for 2 to 3 years (compared to 2 to 3 months nowadays)! And the songs they played then were at least songs which we could sing along too!
Here is a great group which produced so many good songs I had a hard time choosing one for this site. It had to be one which was not that popular and yet sounds so good. Here is Steely Dan and their song from their mega-album Aja with "Home At Last".
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