Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Which Breakfast Show is the worst?

It is a daily struggle to find the best and not the worst Breakfast Show every morning. We used to have JD and Dilly dishing out not so great fare but at least they have a chemistry between them. But then they suddenly dissapear into a deep abyss and then just as suddenly reappear again on a different station! (I still pass a billboard in Penang every day featuring them with their old station!)

But JD has nowfallen into the sickening "Call and shame" strategy and so now I have to choose between them, another station featuring a PSYCHOLOGIST (!! - can you beat that!!) and another station featuring 2 guys trying to outdo each other to see who can embarass himself more! (I guess you guys can guess which 3 stations I am talking about - the rest are just not worth mentioning).

Style Council - You Re The Best Thing by Paul Weller Can't we have NORMAL people in our radio stations? Guys/gals who don't talk much but are smooth and play good music? Dream on.... I guess....

I guess STYLE is something they lack very much and here is someone who has loads of it. Here is Paul Weller from The Style Council with "You're The Best Thing".

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jamiroquai is a class act

I remembered when Jamiroquai came to Malaysia a few years ago I was wondering why there was litlle and almost no publicity for him? Mind you, he was appearing for the F1 concert finale and yet there was hardly an ad announcing his performance. I would have attended his concert if his act was announced earlier but for some reasons known only to SIC they preferred to keep his act quiet until 2 weeks before he was to slated to perform.

Anyway Jamiroquai is a class act and he should have been given a better treatment by the organizers whom maybe have not heard of him? In any other country he would have been mobbed by his fans but Malaysians I guess will settle for Bieber fever. Here is Jay Kay from his album Dynamite with the classic lounge number "Seven Days in Sunny June".

Seven Days In Sunny June by Jamiroquai

Great album soundtrack

Have you bought a soundtrack from a movie? Soundtracks are so hard to sell as usually only one or two songs inside are good. And it is even harder to get the songs to gel with the movie, you know what I mean. Good soundtrack albums are hard to come by but I have uncovered a gem.

From the 2001 movie "Bandits" produced by director Barry Levinson and featuring great acting by Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton and Cate Blanchett this is one excellent movie with a heck of a soundtrack which matches the mood of the movie so well. The songs in this album are classics and well selected. Featured here is "Just another" by Pete Yorn.

Just Another by Pete Yorn

Good music that lasts

So many artists nowadays are producing songs that are so forgettable and shallow you wouldn't remember their names in 12 months time. What wouldn't we give to have back the good old times where superstars hugged the top 10 spot for 2 to 3 years (compared to 2 to 3 months nowadays)! And the songs they played then were at least songs which we could sing along too!

Here is a great group which produced so many good songs I had a hard time choosing one for this site. It had to be one which was not that popular and yet sounds so good. Here is Steely Dan and their song from their mega-album Aja with "Home At Last".

Home At Last by Steely Dan